Delphi BDE Issue $2501

Leo.W picture Leo.W · Aug 23, 2012 · Viewed 13.2k times · Source

Possible Duplicate:
BDE initialization failure (error $2501) on Vista

These days our client keep encountering the BDE issue with error code $2501 when trying to open two instances of application share the same alias

An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine (error $2501)

But if close one of them, or just open one instance, the issue's gone.

And I've try to configure the SHAREMEMSIZE & SHAREMEMLOCATION, but with no luck the issue still there.

Any idea to get around it?


RobertFrank picture RobertFrank · Aug 23, 2012

Our Paradox/BDE-based software is running on have several thousand networked, five or so users/installation in different cities and companies

We've seen the dreaded $2501 error on several dozen of them over the past few years.

SHAREDMEMSIZE=4096 and SHAREDMEMLOCATION=0x5BDE have always worked for us to get past this error.

So, take heart! The BDE is still alive, even more than a decade since it was last updated.

Should we all move on to a more modern platform? YES!

Are many of us frustrated by the shortcomings of its LocalSQL, etc.? YES!

Are many of us impressed that it still works at all? YES!

Are many of us stuck maintaining legacy code that would be too expensive to migrate to a new database? YES! (heavy sigh)