What is the proper way to retrieve a listview items value in Delphi

avue picture avue · Jul 21, 2012 · Viewed 8.7k times · Source

Right now I am using the following code to get a ListView items value and I was wanting to know if this was the proper way to do this or should I be doing it another way.

Example for the parent item value:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

Example for a sub item value:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);


Ken White picture Ken White · Jul 21, 2012

Your first code seems fine, except you should be checking to see if there is a Selected item first:

if Assigned(ListView1.Selected) then  // or ListView1.Selected <> nil

Your second can be simplified (and should include the same check I mentioned above):

if Assigned(ListView1.Selected) then

TStrings descendants (like TStringList and TListItem.SubItems) have default properties, which is a shortcut to using TStrings.Strings[Index]; you can instead just use TStrings[Index]. Instead of MyStringList.Strings[0], you can just use MyStringList[0], and this applies to things like TMemo.Lines and TListItem.SubItems as well. You don't need SubItems.Strings[Index], but can just use SubItems[Index].