Top "Delphi-xe4" questions

Delphi XE4 is a specific version of Delphi released in April 2013.

Passing NULL value into parameterized delphi SQL server query

I am trying to pass in a null value to a TSQLDataset parameter. The query has the form: Query_text:=…

sql-server delphi delphi-xe4 parameterized-query
How to get screen size in Firemonkey FM3?

How to get screen dimensions with Firemonkey FM³ ? The following code: var Size: TPointF; begin Size := FMX.Platform.IFMXScreenService.GetScreenSize; ... …

delphi firemonkey delphi-xe4 firemonkey-fm3
Delphi XE - TObjectList Sorting

I have a list like this: FMyScheduleList: TObjectList<TMySchedule>; It has a property: property ADate: TDate read FDate …

delphi sorting delphi-xe4
How to draw text on TCanvas without white background under painted text?

I am writing simple image editor for my project. There you can see the image in editor: Above TImage, I …

delphi delphi-xe4
XE4 iOS app: Unable to install package. (e8008015)

I took part in the XE4 beta and despite having problems that the .ipa could never be produced (error message …

ios delphi firemonkey delphi-xe4
Using Format in a livebindings CustomFormat

I'm trying to use LiveBindings to format a number for display in a TEdit on a FireMonkey form. I'm trying …

delphi delphi-xe4 livebindings