Top "Delayed-job" questions

A Ruby library to queue and defer processing of slow methods like sending email and image resizing.

Is Rails's "delayed_job" for cron task really?

delayed_job is at Can delayed_job have the ability to do cron task? …

ruby-on-rails cron delayed-job whenever
How to start delayed job workers in production mode

I was following railscast for delayed job. Things are working perfectly on my machine. How can start delayed_job workers …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 delayed-job production-environment
Delayed Job not logging in Production

I want my delayed job "code" to log in a different log file for business requirements. So I log a …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 delayed-job
Gems/Services for autoscaling Heroku's dynos and workers

I want to know if there are any good solutions for autoscaling dynos AND workers on Heroku in a production …

ruby-on-rails-3 heroku scaling delayed-job resque
Use Delayed::Job to manage multiple job queues

I want to use Delayed::Job (or perhaps a more appropriate job queue to my problem) to dispatch jobs to …

ruby-on-rails ruby delayed-job
Resque jobs, how to stop running job

My Resque worker class class WebWorker @queue = :jobs_queue def self.perform(id) //bunch of code here end end I …

ruby-on-rails delayed-job resque
What's the best way to test delayed_job chains with rSpec?

Currently when I have a delayed method in my code like the following: CommentMailer.delay.deliver_comments(@comment, true) I …

ruby-on-rails ruby rspec delayed-job
Rails - Delayed Job of specific method with run_at in params / specifying when to post

I'm a bit at a loss here. I'm simply trying to delay a checkin, for instance, at a user defined …

ruby-on-rails delayed-job