Top "Deferred" questions

Deferred objects simplify callback management in an asynchronous environment, mitigating the "Pyramid of Doom" that results from too many levels of nested callbacks.

Promise rejected with non-error warning

Error: h1.js:25 Warning: a promise was rejected with a non-error: [object String] Not entirely sure why, would love help …

javascript jquery ajax promise deferred
in JavaScript, how to wrap a promise in timeout?

It's a common pattern to implement timeout of some asynchronous function, using deffered/promise: // Create a Deferred and return its …

javascript jquery promise jquery-deferred deferred
AngularJS - why promises ($q) with $http?

I am learning AngularJS after converting from jQuery for a few years. And some bits are much more intuitive. Some …

angularjs deferred
AngularJS : chaining http promises $q in a service

i have problems when it comes to $http promises in angularjs. i am doing this in my service: (the getSomething …

angularjs promise deferred
JavaScript naming convention for promises?

I feel it would be useful to have a naming convention for JavaScript variables which hold a promise. I don't …

javascript naming-conventions deferred promise
How to chain promise error functions in angularjs

I know how to chain promises so that multiple success functions are executed. That is esplained in many examples. How …

angularjs promise deferred
How do I defer an ES6 promise like jquery Deferred?

1. Using es6 promise, but the syntax is incorrect. I'm using es6, and want to make a deferred confirm dialog: // First, …

javascript jquery ecmascript-6 deferred es6-promise
What's the difference between a defer statement and a statement right just before return?

What's the difference between this: _ = navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true) defer { let rootVC = navigationController?.topViewController as? RootViewVC rootVC?.openLink(url: url) } …

ios swift deferred
Dynamic multiple Deferred jQuery Ajax calls

Using the Deferred pattern from jQuery, I am trying to make multiple jsonp ajax …

javascript jquery ajax jsonp deferred
Implement Deferred object without using jquery

I want to implement basic Deferred object without using jQuery. Here i will be implementing only done and fail callbacks, …

javascript jquery jquery-deferred deferred