Top "Default-value" questions

A default, in computer science, refers to a setting or value automatically assigned to a software application, computer program or device, outside of user intervention.

How in Ant output values of properties?

In Ant exits task Echo: <echo message="Hello, world"/> But it seems useless. I need to check values …

ant echo default-value
How would I skip optional arguments in a function call?

OK I totally forgot how to skip arguments in PHP. Lets say I have: function getData($name, $limit = '50', $…

php function parameters default-value optional-parameters
Objective-C function with default parameters?

Possible Duplicates: Optional arguments in Objective-C 2.0? Objective-C Default Argument Value I'm writing a C function in Objective-C. I want a …

objective-c function parameters default-value
int array initialization

I have here a simple question related to Java. Let's say you have an int array as instance variable: int[] …

java arrays initialization int default-value
Default value on JSP custom-tag attribute

When defining an attribute for a custom JSP tag, is it possible to specify a default value? The attribute directive …

java jsp jsp-tags default-value
How to create default value for function argument in Clojure

I come with this: (defn string->integer [str & [base]] (Integer/parseInt str (if (nil? base) 10 base))) (string->…

function clojure default-value optional-parameters
Objective-C set default value for a property

I'm making an app, and I have a class with quite a lot properties and I was wondering if it …

objective-c properties default-value
Setting the default value in a function?

I have a simple density function below: dpower <- function(x, b, r){ if ((b <= 0 | r <= 0)) return("…

r function default-value
Using a constant NSString as the key for NSUserDefaults

I'm using NSUSerDefaults to store user preferences. I remember reading somewhere that setting the keys as constants is a good …

objective-c cocoa default-value
Enum variable default value?

The question is simple: #include <iostream> enum SomeEnum { EValue1 = 1, EValue2 = 4 }; int main() { SomeEnum enummy; std::cout << (…

c++ variables enums default-value