I would like to use Deezer API to create playlists for my account, but can not get the access token.
I have tryed Get token
button on this page (https://developers.deezer.com/api/explorer), but it looks like doesn't works. And I have tryed to create new application (https://developers.deezer.com/myapps/create) - no errors, no new application.
I confirm there is an issue with the Get token
button (of https://developers.deezer.com/api/explorer).
Yes it is a known issue which has not been fixed yet.
You can generate an access token following this method: https://developers.deezer.com/api/oauth
In order to use the OAuth you will also need to create an application here: https://developers.deezer.com/myapps/create
Ensure that for fields domain, redirect url after authentification and term of use, specify the scheme with the domain
Best regards, Cyril