Top "Decompiler" questions

A decompiler performs, as far as possible, the reverse operation to that of a compiler.

How to decompile an exe file compiled by py2exe?

How to decompile an exe file compiled by py2exe? just one exe file, didn'n have any zip file. how …

python py2exe decompiler
How to debug compiled Java code in Eclipse

I wonder if there are any solutions for Eclipse IDE to debug Java code for which I have no source, …

java eclipse debugging decompiler
How can I view Flash Source Code?

I found a Flash program online that would be perfect for a project I'm working on. Obviously with web content …

flash apache-flex decompiler swf-decompiler
how to decompile an .exe file which is not a .net module

I am trying to decompile a file called App.exe. When I am trying to decompile this file using reflector …

delphi reverse-engineering decompiling decompiler
Choose and test java decompiler

Now I'm trying to find the best java decompiler, I found these: http://www.reversed-java.…

java decompiler
dotnet dll decompile and change the code

I need to change the code of the .NET DLL. I am able to see the code by compilable the …

c# dll decompiler recompile
Is it possible to know in what language an exe file is written?

I have an exe file and I decompiled it with Ida. I was told the program coded in Delphi, so …

programming-languages exe decompiler
Java decompiler for netbeans

Is there any open source java decompiler for netbeans just like jadclipse for eclipse.

java netbeans decompiler
Can you decompile a game down to its original source code?

I use Battlefield 4 just as an example, this can go for any game really. I've been wondering if something like …

windows exe decompiler