Debugging Tomcat in Docker container

CAPS LOCK picture CAPS LOCK · Feb 23, 2016 · Viewed 25.3k times · Source

I have a CoreOS running in Vagrant. Vagrant private network IP is Inside a CoreOS is a docker container with Tomcat 8.0.32. Pretty much everything works ok (app deployment etc.) just debugging does not. Tomcat is mapped to 8080 port and the JPDA port should be 8000.


Tomcat JPDA is configured with:

JDPA_OPTS -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000

It starts with jpda start command. The output in the console when running it with docker-compose is:

tomcat | Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000

From the container info I assume that ports are mapped as they should:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE       COMMAND      CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                            NAMES
dcae1e0148f8        tomcat      "/"    8 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes>8000/tcp,>8080/tcp   tomcat

My docker image is based on this Dockerfile.


When trying to run Remote debug configuration (screenshot below) I get the error Error running Debug: Unable to open debugger port ( "Connection refused". I've tried everything from changing various configuration but no luck. Am I missing something?

enter image description here


Peter picture Peter · Nov 20, 2016

This is the command I use for this:

docker run -it --rm \
  -e JPDA_ADDRESS=8000 \
  -e JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket \
  -p 8888:8080 \
  -p 9000:8000 \
  -v D:/tc/conf/tomcat-users.xml:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml \
  tomcat:8.0 \
  /usr/local/tomcat/bin/ jpda run


  • -e JPDA_ADDRESS=8000
    debugging port in container, passed as environment variable
  • -e JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
    transport type for debugging as socket, passed as environment variable
  • -p 8888:8080
    expose tomcat port 8080 on host as port 8888
  • -p 9000:8000
    expose java debugging port 8000 on host as port 9000
  • -v {host-file}:{container-file}
    overwrite tomcat-user.xml with my local on, since I need access to the manager api
    omit this line if this isn't necessary for your use case
  • tomcat:8.0
  • /usr/local/tomcat/bin/ jpda run
    command to run in the container