Codelite debugger error: Failed to locate gdb! at 'gdb'?

jerbotron picture jerbotron · May 28, 2012 · Viewed 16.6k times · Source

I'm trying using Codelite to try and compile some c++ projects that I wrote using DevCpp. I don't have a lot of knowledge about compilers and debuggers.. and every time I try to compile and debug any code in Codelite, I keep getting this error saying:

Failed to locate gdb! at 'gdb'

I tried messing around with the debugger settings but nothing would work. In the build window it says:

"mingw32-make.exe" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

again, I don't really know what that means. Could someone care to share a fix to this issue and if possible, give me a quick explanation on the difference between these compilers and debuggers?

Thank you!


jerbotron picture jerbotron · May 29, 2012

I figured out what was wrong.. I did not install the complete package. I only installed the IDE codelite but not the debugger files

in this link, dl the package: codelite-3.5.5377-mingw4.6.1-wx2.9.2.exe

for the whole debugger/compiler/ide/etc and your codes should compile.. at least mine did :)