Top "Ddos" questions

"A distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) occurs when multiple systems flood the bandwidth or resources of a targeted system, usually one or more web servers.

How to limit the number of characters read by StreamReader.ReadLine() in .NET?

I am writing a web server application in C# and using StreamReader class to read from an underlying NetworkStream: NetworkStream …

c# readline streamreader ddos
Application vulnerability due to Non Random Hash Functions

Below excerpt is from an article that explains possibility of Denial Of Service(DoS) attack because of non random hash …

java security ddos
How to simulate DDOS/Slashdotting?

So, I'd like to get more experience working with high-traffic websites, but unfortunately the Internet is not beating down the …

apache nginx simulate ddos
Brute-force/DoS prevention in PHP

I am trying to write a script to prevent brute-force login attempts in a website I'm building. The logic goes …

php security brute-force ddos
Can one cache and secure a REST API with Cloudflare?

I am designing a RESTful API that is intended to be consumed by a single-page application and a native mobile …

rest caching single-page-application cloudflare ddos
Is it possible to prevent DDos Attack by cpanel configuration and php scripting?

My site is under DDos Attacks (UDP Flooding)! I have no access to linux shell and only cpanel is available …

php security cpanel ddos
Using Nginx to block IP's behind proxy

I'm running a Nginx 1.2.4 webserver here, and I'm behind a proxy of my hoster to prevent ddos attacks. The downside …

proxy nginx ddos
How to prevent DOS attacks on my http server which written in node.js?

using node.js, the net module for building a tcp server which can hande http requests. I would like to …

javascript node.js security ddos
Amazon EC2 Load Balancer: Defending against DoS attack?

We usually blacklist IPs address with iptables. But in Amazon EC2, if a connection goes through the Elastic Load Balancer, …

amazon-ec2 amazon load-balancing iptables ddos
iptables: limit the number of logged packets/second

Background. I'm building a firewall/NAT device thats used in honeypot deployments.In simple terms, its configured to work as …

security logging iptables ddos honeypot