Top "Ddl" questions

Data Definition Language is a subset of SQL to manipulate structural elements of a database, not the content of tables.

Generate DDL programmatically on Postgresql

How can I generate the DDL of a table programmatically on Postgresql? Is there a system query or command to …

postgresql ddl
JPA - How to set string column to varchar(max) in DDL

With JPA, DDL-generation for the attribute: @Column final String someString; will be someString varchar(255) null @Column(length = 1337) final String someString; …

java sql-server hibernate jpa ddl
Date comparison in Hive

I'm working with Hive and I have a table structured as follows: CREATE TABLE t1 ( id INT, created TIMESTAMP, some_…

hive timestamp hiveql ddl
Grant privileges for an Oracle package?

I have a package A, which uses some variables and procedures in another package B in the same schema. Now …

sql oracle ddl
Test Column exists, Add Column, and Update Column

I'm trying to write a SQL Server database update script. I want to test for the existence of a column …

sql-server tsql ddl
Can a number be used to name a MySQL table column?

I have a table that has column names like 25, 50, 100, etc.. When trying to update the table I get an error, …

mysql ddl
Oracle - drop multiple table in a single query

I have fifty tables in a database, in that I need only six tables. How can I delete remaining tables …

oracle ddl
Insufficient Privileges when creating tables in Oracle SQL Developer

I have granted the user in my connection to create tables, triggers, procedures, and sequence using sql+ (grant create table …

sql oracle ddl
Is there a tool to generate a full database DDL for SQL Server? What about Postgres and MySQL?

Using Toad for Oracle, I can generate full DDL files describing all tables, views, source code (procedures, functions, packages), sequences, …

sql mysql sql-server postgresql ddl
Do DDL statements always give you an implicit commit, or can you get an implicit rollback?

If you're halfway through a transaction and perform a DDL statement, such as truncating a table, then the transaction commits. …

sql oracle transactions ddl