Twig date difference

Stefan Braspenning picture Stefan Braspenning · Mar 27, 2013 · Viewed 45.1k times · Source

I've got an entity with a starting date and an ending date.

Is it possible to get the difference in time between them by using twig?


Maks3w picture Maks3w · Nov 29, 2014

Since PHP 5.3 There is another option without to write an extension.

This example show how to calc the plural day/days

{# endDate and startDate are strings or DateTime objects #}
{% set difference = date(endDate).diff(date(startDate)) %}
{% set leftDays = difference.days %}
{% if leftDays == 1 %}
  1 day
{% else %}
  {{ leftDays }} days
{% endif %}


PHP 5.3 DateTime object has diff() method which return a DateInterval object with the result difference between endDate and beginDate Twig

Twig date function always return a DateTime object so we can call diff method

Finally we can access to the properties of the DateInterval object or format it with the Twig date filter.

Note: There is no need of wrap endDate or startDate with the date function if the variable is already a DateTime object.

Note2: DateTime is used here as a synonym of DateTimeInterface.