Top "Datetime-format" questions

datetime-format is a transformation of a timestamp from an industry standard format, such as UTC or ISO, to a format which conforms to the standards of a particular locale or audience

"asp-format" not applied to tag helpers

I'm facing a problem using "asp-format" tag with taghelper element in my mvc 6 project. The idea is to format a …

c# datetime-format
Regular Expression: match hh:mm, or h

I'm looking for a regular expression to match different time formats (for a time tracking web-app) in javascript. The user …

javascript regex datetime datetime-format datetime-parsing
DateTime.Parse using culture en-us, despite web.config setting

Question: in web.config in section system.web I have <globalization culture="de-ch" uiCulture="de-ch" requestEncoding="UTF-8" responseEncoding="UTF-8"/&… datetime web-config datetime-format currentculture
Pandas: Rounding to nearest Hour

I have a column with timestamps start_time: 0 2016-06-04 05:18:49 1 2016-06-04 06:50:12 2 2016-06-04 08:16:02 3 2016-06-04 15:05:13 4 2016-06-04 15:24:25 I want …

python pandas datetime-format python-datetime
What is valid RFC1123 date format

I am working on a service which returns expires header. The service will be working across different timezone. So we …

http datetime datetime-format datetimeoffset rfc1123