Top "Datepickerdialog" questions

An Android dialog that displays a date picker.

Select multiple dates in Android DatePickerDialog

I've got a requirement to select multiple dates from Android DatePickerDialog. Below is my snippet. With this, I'm able to …

android datepickerdialog
Android - DatePickerDialog - Old APIs

I am trying to create a DatePickerDialog in my app in Android but when I create a DatePickerDialog I receive …

android datepickerdialog
How to disable certain dates in the Android Date Picker dialog?

I am using default Android DatePickerDialog which contains android.widget.DatePicker. Does anybody know how to disable or make certain …

android android-datepicker datepickerdialog
How to disable dates after today date in DatePickerDialog Android?

I want to disable all Next(after) dates from today date in DatePickerDialog. I am using below code to create …

android android-studio datepicker android-datepicker datepickerdialog
how to select year in datepickerdialog android?

I am new to Android programming. Please help. I am using Fragment that creates Material design DatePickerDialog on click of …

android android-fragments datepickerdialog
Android: Change button text in DatePickerDialog / TimePickerDialog

I have got a DatePickerDialog. In the default configuration it works fine. DatePickerDialog dialog = new DatePickerDialog( view.getContext(), new OnDateSetListener() { @…

android dialog datetimepicker timepicker datepickerdialog
How do you get a DatePicker from a DatePickerDialog?

I have a activity that is popping up a DatePickerDialog dialog = new DatePickerDialog(this, startDateSetListener, start_cal.…

android datepicker datepickerdialog