Top "Date-formatting" questions

Date formatting is the process of displaying, handling or converting a calendar date to a specific format.

Convert dd/MM/yyyy to MM/dd/YYYY

I need to convert "28/08/2012" to MM/dd/YYYY format that means "08/28/2012". How can I do that? I am using below …

c# date-formatting date-conversion
Number and date format : altering NLS_SESSION_PARAMETER does not work?

Oracle, APEX We need to display numbers in our application with the format FM999999999990.000 and dates with the English format …

session oracle-apex number-formatting date-formatting nls
How to display a day from the Date

Using SQL Server 2005 Table1 Date 19-12-2009 20-12-2010 ..... Date Column datatype is DATETIME. Expected Output Monday Tuesday How to …

sql sql-server sql-server-2005 tsql date-formatting
How do I specify date literal when writing SQL query from SQL Server that is linked to Oracle?

I have a SQL Server 12.0 database that is linked to an Oracle 12.1 database. I want to create a view in …

sql sql-server oracle date-formatting
AngularJS - How do you convert milliseconds to xHours and yMins

I've a requirement where I want to convert milliseconds to xHours and yMins in AngularJS. For ex. 3600000 should be displayed …

javascript angularjs date-format date-formatting
In the Django admin site, how do I change the display format of time fields?

I recently added a new model to my site, and I'm using an file to specify exactly how …

python django date-formatting
Excel TEXT formula doesn't convert 'yyyy' to a year

I want to combine some text with a date in Excel 2013. Let's say I have a cell A2 with a …

excel date date-formatting
laravel-4 how to change date format

I want to insert a date into the clients table my db schema is below, I want to insert them …

php laravel-4 date-formatting
PHP date() returning format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.uZ

I have checked out the following question/responses: How do I get the format of “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ” in …

php date date-formatting
In SQL Server, how to convert a date to a string in format M/D/YYYY? (no leading zeros, not MM/DD/YYYY)

Right now, my code has the following conversion for a date field: convert(varchar, Citation.PublishedOn, 101) However, that returns dates …

sql-server sql-server-2008 date-formatting date-conversion