Top "Date-format" questions

`DateFormat` is a Java Standard Edition library class which provides utility methods to parse and format dates.

PHP Timestamp into DateTime

Do you know how I can convert this to a strtotime, or a similar type of value to pass into …

php date datetime date-format time-format
PHP date format, remove time and more

Possible Duplicate: Convert one date format into another in PHP Starting from: $date = '2012-09-09 03:09:00' I would like …

php date datetime date-format
mysql date comparison with date_format

I googled and tried several ways to compare date but unfortunately didn't get the result as expected. I have current …

mysql date date-format
Format date in MySQL SELECT as ISO 8601

I'm trying to grab the date from my database in a standard timestamp and display it as ISO 8601. I'm unable …

mysql database date-format iso8601
Specify date format in mask when using an input mask?

I've been using the jquery masked input plugin to apply a date mask to text inputs. This works pretty well, …

jquery date-format maskedinput
oracle convert unix epoch time to date

The context is that there is an existing application in our product which generates and sends the EPOCH number to …

oracle datetime unix date-format epoch
How to change the language and date format in SQL Server?

I am using SQL Server 2005. When I execute DBCC USEROPTIONS, I see the language as romana and dateformat as dmy. …

sql-server-2005 date-format
Failed to convert property value of type java.lang.String to required type java.util.Date

I'm getting this error when I try to input a date in a form. TaskController @RequestMapping(value = "/docreatetask", method = RequestMethod.…

java spring date data-binding date-format
How to correctly create a date with a specific format?

I have the following doubt related how to create a format date in Java. In a Java application I have …

java date date-format
"Java DateFormat is not threadsafe" what does this leads to?

Everybody cautions regarding Java DateFormat not being thread safe and I understand the concept theoretically. But I'm not able to …

java multithreading date-format