Top "Dataview" questions

A dataview is a .net class which represents a databindable, customized view of a DataTable for sorting, filtering, searching, editing, and navigation.

Looping through rows in a DataView

The DataView object doesn't have a Rows property like DataTable. How do I loop through the rows of a DataView?

.net loops dataview
How to get a value from a column in a DataView?

I have a dataview defined as: DataView dvPricing = historicalPricing.GetAuctionData().DefaultView; This is what I have tried, but it returns …

c# dataview
SELECT DISTINCT in DataView's RowFilter

I'm trying to narrow down the rows that are in my DataView based on a relation with another table, and …

c# sql dataview
Easiest way to copy a dataview to a datatable in C#?

I need to copy a dataview into a datatable. It seems like the only way to do so is to …

c# datatable dataview
How to bind dataGridView predefined columns with columns from sql statement (without adding new columns)?

Is there a elegant way, to bind predefined dataGridView columns with results from a SQL statement? Example: dataGridView1.Columns.Add("…

c# data-binding datagridview datatable dataview
How do I check for blank in DataView.RowFilter

Assuming I have a column called A and I want to check if A is null or blank, what is …

c# dataview
Compare dates in DataView.RowFilter?

I am scratching my head over something rather stupid yet apparently difficult. DataView dvFormula = dsFormula.Tables[0].DefaultView; dvFormula.RowFilter = "'" + …

c# datetime dataview date-format rowfilter
Sorted dataview to datatable

I have the following method: private DataTable getsortedtable(DataTable dt) { dt.DefaultView.Sort = "Name desc"; //I would need to return …

c# datatable dataview
How to apply filter to DataView with Multiple "AND" conditions

I have a DataTable containing the some rows. Which is copied to DataView. Now I have IDs in form of …

c# filtering dataview rowfilter
How to use GWT 2.1 Data Presentation Widgets

At the 2010 Google IO it was announced that GWT 2.1 would include new Data Presentation Widgets. 2.1M is available for download, …

java gwt paging dataview