Top "Datatrigger" questions

a WPF .NET trigger that applies property values or performs actions when the underlying bound data meets a specified condition.

Unable to set ContentTemplate via DataTrigger

I want the ContentTemplate to vary according to the value in the DataTrigger. And yes, I considered using a DataTemplateSelector, …

wpf datatemplate binding datatrigger contentcontrol
How to Use DataTrigger to set a property defined in the ViewModel in WPF

I am writing a XAML file which use DataTrigger to set a property in the ViewModel. The ViewModel class defined …

wpf datatrigger
How to Pass multiple parameter in Multivalue Converter Over WPF DataTrigger

I'm having four int Property ProOne, ProTwo, ProThree and ProFour I have to Implement the Boolean Logic ((ProOne == ProTwo) || (ProThree == …

c# wpf datatrigger imultivalueconverter multiparameter
WPF RotateTransform DataTrigger

Is it possible to use a DataTrigger to set the angle of a RotateTransform in WPF? If so, how?

wpf datatrigger rotatetransform
TextBox's Text set through DataTrigger not updating the property value in Model

I am new to WPF and I want to clear a textBox's value if a check box is unchecked. I …

wpf datatrigger
DataTrigger sets the default value when the condition is false

So here is my XAML: <Ellipse Height="100" Width="100" Margin="35,112,0,0" Name="ellipse1" Fill="Red"> <Ellipse.Style> <…

wpf xaml triggers styles datatrigger
WPF Trigger when Property and Data value are true

I need to be able to change the Style of a control when a property and data value are true. …

c# wpf triggers datatrigger multidatatrigger
Usage DataTrigger in WPF

I have a TextBox control defined in XAML and I want to apply different background colors to the TextBox based …

wpf xaml datatrigger multidatatrigger
comparing two dynamic values in DataTrigger

I want to compare two dynamic values User_id and user_id for equality and setting one property Cursor. Also, …

wpf data-binding datatrigger
WPF Calling method from a DataTrigger

Is it possible to use a wild card or call a method to work out if a DataTrigger should be …

c# wpf xaml datatrigger