Top "Datatemplate" questions

Data templating is a feature of WPF and Xamarin.

How to get a parent value in multibinding

I'm using dataTemplate. This is the template: <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding RAM.Partitions}"> <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate&…

c# wpf data-binding binding datatemplate
WPF, UserControl or DataTemplate

Recently I'm trying to reuse some UI elements in my application. When I started programming with WPF I'm told that …

wpf user-controls datatemplate
Showing a collection of items inside of a ItemsControl horizontally

Here is the XAML markup: <ScrollViewer Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="2" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" Width="990"> <StackPanel Margin="50 0 0 40"> <…

wpf xaml panel datatemplate itemscontrol
Explicitly refresh DataTemplate from a DataTemplateSelector?

I set up a ContentControl.DataTemplateSelector to my desired one. I want that according to a command or whatever, call …

wpf xaml datatemplate contentcontrol datatemplateselector
How do I use a ItemTemplateSelector together with a HeaderTemplate in a WPF ListView?

Suppose the following XAML defined window: <Window x:Class="LayoutTests.Window1" xmlns="" …

wpf listview datatemplate datatemplateselector
WPF Debugging datatriggers?

I am trying to do something very simple. I have a ToggleButton.IsChecked property bound to a bool. I want …

wpf triggers datatemplate
ListView: define ItemsPanelTemplate in resource dictionary

I have a ListView which layout looks like a Windows Explorer view (icon + some details), bound to a list somewhere …

wpf listview mvvm datatemplate itemspanel
WPF ListBox - Getting UIElement instead of of SelectedItem

I created a ListBox that has a DataTemplate as Itemtemplate. However, is there an easy way to access the generated …

wpf listbox datatemplate selecteditem uielement
Set an image as a Button's content in style

I have a WPF button defined like this: <Button Style="{StaticResource RevertButtonStyle}" /> Here is how the style looks: &…

wpf xaml datatemplate staticresource
Distinct item template for first and last item in a ListView

I need to style the first and last items of a list view differently. To achieve that, I started working …

wpf listview datatemplate