Top "Datatable" questions

The term "datatable" is ambiguous.

Primefaces datatable date range filter with filterFunction

I use filterFunction method of datatable on primefaces 5.0. I want to filter birthday by date range on column header. On …

jsf-2 primefaces datatable classcastexception
Convert Dataset to IQueryable<T> or IEnumerable<T>

Since there is no Linq to DB2 yet (c'mon IBM!), and I want to deal with IQueryables or IEnumerables in …

linq datatable ienumerable iqueryable
Update database with changes made to DataTable... confusion

If I fill a DataTable with DataAdapter.Fill(DataTable); and then make changes to a row in the DataTable with …

c# datatable dataadapter
How do I bind the result of DataTable.Select() to a ListBox control?

I have the following code: ListBox.DataSource = DataSet.Tables("table_name").Select("some_criteria = match") ListBox.DisplayMember = "name" The DataTable.…

.net data-binding listbox datatable datarow
Fastest way to convert datatable to generic list

I have a data tier select method that returns a datatable. It's called from a business tier method that should …

.net .net-2.0 datatable n-tier-architecture
Check if table exists with if statement in C#?

I try to put up an if statement to check if a table is already created. I only want to …

c# datagridview datatable exists readxml
export Excel to DataTable using NPOI

I want to read Excel Tables 2010 xlsx using NPOI and then export data to DataTables but don't know how to …

c# excel datatable npoi
Querying DataColumnCollection with LINQ

I'm trying to perform a simple LINQ query on the Columns property of a DataTable: from c in myDataTable.Columns.…

c# linq datatable asqueryable datacolumncollection
DataTable's Row's First Column to String Array

I have a DataTable. I want to get every rows first column value and append to a string array. I …

c# datatable datarow
Load DataTable data through button Click

I want to populate DataTable through a button click. Initially the dataTable should be empty: var searchText = $("#textBox").val(); Table = $("#…

ajax datatable populate