A datagram is a unitary message delivered entire over a network, typically via UDP, and typically with no guarantee on order or reliability of message delivery.
How to get the length of received UDP packet? Using wireshark I could see the correct length of datagram. How …
c networking udp datagramI was working with a MulticastSocket and when ever I tried to join a group, it would never work when …
java networking network-programming datagram multicastsocketIn theory nothing prevents using TCP socket with SOCK_DGRAM. What you'll get is reliable datagram transport. Is this possible …
tcp sockets datagramI'm trying to send a DatagramPacket, and then must wait for an Acknowlegment from sever, so that I know if …
java networking udp packet datagramI am trying to send a datagram using QUdpSocket. The following is the code I am using: udpSocket = new QUdpSocket(…
qt4 network-programming datagram