Top "Datacontractjsonserializer" questions

DataContractJsonSerializer is a .NET component that makes it possible to directly serialize .NET objects into JSON data and to deserialize such data back into instances of .NET types.

Deserialization of JSON object with List<> using DataContractJsonSerializer in C#

I want to deserialize a JSON object that contains a single member; a string array: {"errores":[{"errorCode":"campo1","errorMessage":"Errorenelcampo1"},{"…

c# json datacontractjsonserializer
How to send JSON in C# with DataContractJsonSerializer without charset?

I use DataContractJsonSerializer and StringContent to send JSON to a web service: DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Employee)); MemoryStream ms = …

c# datacontractjsonserializer
Partial deserialization of JSON object by using DataContractJsonSerializer

As a response from a Bitbucket REST API I'm getting the following JSON object (simplified version): { "repositories": [ { "scm": "hg", "has_…

c# json deserialization datacontractserializer datacontractjsonserializer
Serialize an object using DataContractJsonSerializer as a json array

I have a class which contains a list of items. I want to serialize an instance of this class to …

c# json datacontractserializer datacontractjsonserializer
Deserializing a JSON array of mixed types

I'm having trouble deserializing a JSON array of mixed types using the DataContractJsonSerializer class. I've spent a bunch of time …

c# wcf datacontractjsonserializer
Serialize an object using DataContractJsonSerializer

I have created a generic extension method to serialize JSON using the DataContractJsonSerializer. looks like this: public static string ToJSON&…

json c#-4.0 datacontractjsonserializer