Top "Datacontract" questions

A data contract is a formal agreement between a service and a client that abstractly describes the data to be exchanged.

Constructor in WCF DataContract not reflected on Client

I need to have some data members get some values when I create an instance of the DataContract on the …

wcf datacontract
WCF, Entity Framework & Data Contracts

Using VS 2008 & .NET 3.5 SP1: I am using WCF to allow clients to connect to a service that reads and …

wcf entity-framework datacontract
Unable to cast Base class (data contract) to derived class

[DataContract] public class SearchCriteria { [DataMember] public string CountryID { get; set; } } [DataContract] public class CitySearchCriteria: SearchCriteria { [DataMember] public string CityID { get; …

c# oop casting datacontract derived-class
Why can't I use WCF DataContract and ISerializable on the same class?

I have a class that I need to be able to serialize to a SQLServer session variable and be available …

c# wcf datacontract serializable
WCF Client having problems recognizing ServiceKnownTypes?

How would I tell the WCF service what KnownTypes to use when passing data back to the client? I know …

wcf datacontractserializer datacontract serviceknowntype
WCF CollectionDataContract

I recently noticed in one of the articles the wcf service operation returned a collectiondatacontract Users GetUsers(string someInput); And …

c# wcf c#-4.0 datacontract
WCF contract changes that affect clients

I was curious if someone could outline which types of WCF contract (interface) changes on the server side would break …

wcf datacontract servicecontract operationcontract
.NET base type cannot be serialized by WCF

I'm writing a WCF service and want to expose some custom configuration elements (e.g. Custom ConfigurationSection and ConnectionStringSettings) so …

wcf serialization datacontract datamember configurationelement
JSON sample to [DataContract]

Is there any tool allowing to generate DataContract entity definitions based on a JSON sample? I'm really missing the old …

c# json serialization datacontract datacontractjsonserializer
Datacontract and dynamic return type WCF

I have a ServiceContract which returns dynamic type and looks like following: public dynamic LoginViaOpenId(string openIdUrl) The dynamic return …

wcf datacontract