Is there any option for local database like Sqlite for j2me - CLDC devices?

iOSDev picture iOSDev · Apr 25, 2009 · Viewed 10.9k times · Source

Is there any option for local database like Sqlite for j2me - CLDC devices? PerstLite and OpenBaseMovil are both under dual license. Is there any open source option for this? Or, any alternate way of developing application.


Maksym Gontar picture Maksym Gontar · May 21, 2009

from List of Database in J2ME:
Apache Derby - an open source relational database / about 2 megabytes
Java DB - Sun's supported distribution of Apache Derby database / footprint of 2.5 MB
Floggy - free object persistence framework for J2ME/MIDP applications / 11k API
J2MEMicroDB - free object persistence framework for J2ME
mDrawer - J2ME generic database program with DES encryption
RMS DB Class - J2ME class to provide easy access to the RMS-Database system of mobile phones
Micro DB - implementation of relation database in J2ME plataform

For small amount of data you also may use kXML + miniXPath