I am attempting to share data across subdomains using Safari. I would like to use an HTML5 database (specifically localStorage as my data is nothing but key-value pairs). However, it seems as though data stored to domain.com can not be accessed from sub.domain.com (or vice versa). Is there any way to share a single database in this situation?
This library from Zendesk worked for me.
// Config s.t. subdomains can get, but only the root domain can set and del
{origin: /\.example.com$/, allow: ['get']},
{origin: /:\/\/(www\.)?example.com$/, allow: ['get', 'set', 'del']}
Note the $
for matching the end of the string. The regular expression in the above example will match origins such as valid.example.com
, but not invalid.example.com.malicious.com
var storage = new CrossStorageClient('https://store.example.com/hub.html');
storage.onConnect().then(function() {
return storage.set('newKey', 'foobar');
}).then(function() {
return storage.get('existingKey', 'newKey');
}).then(function(res) {
console.log(res.length); // 2
}).catch(function(err) {
// Handle error