I create table with this statement:
date Date,
src UInt8,
channel UInt8,
deviceTypeId UInt8,
projectId UInt64,
shows UInt32,
clicks UInt32,
spent Float64
) ENGINE = MergeTree(date, (date, src, channel, projectId), 8192);
Raw data looks like:
{ "date":"2016-03-07T10:00:00+0300","src":2,"channel":18,"deviceTypeId ":101, "projectId":2363610,"shows":1232,"clicks":7,"spent":34.72,"location":"Unknown", ...}
Files with data loaded with the following command:
cat *.data|sed 's/T[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]+0300//'| clickhouse-client --query="INSERT INTO event FORMAT JSONEachRow"
clickhouse-client throw exception:
Code: 117. DB::Exception: Unknown field found while parsing JSONEachRow format: location: (at row 1)
Is it possible to skip fields from JSON object that not presented in table description?
The latest ClickHouse release (v1.1.54023) supports input_format_skip_unknown_fields
user option which eneables skipping of unknown fields for JSONEachRow and TSKV formats.
clickhouse-client -n --query="SET input_format_skip_unknown_fields=1; INSERT INTO event FORMAT JSONEachRow;"
See more details in documentation.