I was wondering if someone knows where I can see the data of a suspended message in the biztalk database.
I need this because about 900 messages have been suspended because of a validation and I need to edit all of them, resuming isn't possible.
I know that info of suspended messages are shown in BizTalkMsgBoxDb
in the table InstancesSuspended
and that the different parts of each message are shown in the table MessageParts
. However I can't find the table where the actual data is stored.
Does anyone have any idea where this can be done?
I found a way to do this, there's no screwing up my system when I just want to read them.
How I did it is using the method "CompressionStreams" using Microsoft.Biztalk.Pipeline.dll.
The method to do this:
public static Stream getMsgStrm(Stream stream)
Assembly pipelineAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(string.Concat(@"<path to dll>", @"\Microsoft.BizTalk.Pipeline.dll"));
Type compressionStreamsType = pipelineAssembly.GetType("Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.CompressionStreams", true);
return (Stream)compressionStreamsType.InvokeMember("Decompress", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Static, null, null, new object[] { (object)stream });
Then I connect with my database, fill in a dataset and stream out the data to string, code:
String SelectCmdString = "select * from dbo.Parts";
SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(SelectCmdString, "<your connectionstring">);
DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet();
mySqlDataAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, "BodyParts");
foreach (DataRow row in myDataSet.Tables["BodyParts"].Rows)
if (row["imgPart"].GetType() != typeof(DBNull))
SqlBinary binData = new SqlBinary((byte[])row["imgPart"]);
MemoryStream stm = new MemoryStream(binData.Value);
Stream aStream = getMsgStrm(stm);
StreamReader aReader = new StreamReader(aStream);
string aMessage = aReader.ReadToEnd();
//filter msg
//write msg
I then write each string to an appropriate "txt" or "xml" depending on what u want, you can also filter out certain messages with regular expression, etc.
Hope this helps anyone, it sure as hell helped me.