Top "Data-warehouse" questions

A data warehouse (DW) is a database specifically structured/designed to aid in querying, analyzing and reporting (generating reports out of) of current and historical data.

Database design: one huge table or separate tables?

Currently I am designing a database for use in our company. We are using SQL Server 2008. The database will hold …

sql-server sql-server-2008 database-design data-warehouse
20 Billion Rows/Month - Hbase / Hive / Greenplum / What?

I'd like to use your wisdom for picking up the right solution for a data-warehouse system. Here are some details …

database mapreduce data-warehouse greenplum vldb
what is the right data type for unique key in postgresql DB?

which data type should I choose for a unique key (id of a user for example) in postgresql database's table? …

database postgresql database-design data-warehouse
Is a fact table in normalized or de-normalized form?

I did a bit R&D on the fact tables, whether they are normalized or de-normalized. I came across …

reporting data-warehouse business-intelligence database-normalization
Using a DATE field as primary key of a date dimension with MySQL

I want to handle a date dimension in a MySQL datawarehouse. (I m a newbie in the DW world) I …

mysql date schema data-warehouse dimension
What difference of RDBMS and Hive?

In RDMS like MySQL thereis database, are there database also on the Hive ?as i read on the manual, hive …

sql hadoop data-warehouse hive
Hadoop Vs Data Lake

I heard a new term Data Lake. I googled and got that A data lake is a large-scale storage repository …

hadoop data-warehouse data-lake
joining across multiple fact tables with a dimension in between

What's a good approach to data warehouse design if requested reports require summarized information about the same dimensions (and at …

sql-server data-warehouse business-intelligence dimension dimensional-modeling
Difference between Transactional and Reporting Database

A friend commented like this: I'd recommend separating out your transactional data and your reporting data into a separate database …

php mysql database data-warehouse
Which is better, ETL or ELT?

Having spent some time working on data warehousing, I have created both ETL (extract transform load) and ELT (extract load …

data-warehouse etl