Overlapping bar chart with multiple axis in PowerBi

Dennis vd Eijnde picture Dennis vd Eijnde · Aug 7, 2018 · Viewed 13.8k times · Source

I would like to have a overlapping bar chart in PowerBi with multiple axis. I have an example from Excel which I would prefer to recreate in PowerBi if this is possible.

Here the example:

Preferred Graph

Is this possible in PowerBi? Maybe by using a custom visual I don't know off.

Thanks in advance,


Alexis Olson picture Alexis Olson · Aug 7, 2018

It's certainly not an ideal solution, but it is possible to place charts on top of each other. This is the result of two bar charts superimposed upon each other:

Double Chart

Note: In order to have control over the column width, you need to change the x-axis to categorical and adjust the inner padding.