Top "Data-integration" questions

Data integration is the combination of technical and business processes used to combine data from disparate sources into meaningful and valuable information.

Pentaho Kettle conversion from String to Integer/Number error

I am new to Pentaho Kettle and I am trying to build a simple data transformation (filter, data conversion, etc). …

csv pentaho etl kettle data-integration
Data integration between IBM AS400 to SQL Server database

I'm a web developer that has been tasked with creating some sort of mechanism for moving data from an IBM …

sql sql-server db2 ibm-midrange data-integration
How can I merge two files in Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle)

I'm working with Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle) and I have a question. I have two input files file1.txt and …

pentaho kettle data-integration
How to schedule Pentaho Kettle transformations?

I've set up four transformations in Kettle. Now, I would like to schedule them so that they will run daily …

pentaho scheduling jobs kettle data-integration