how can i reliably wait for XHR requests after loading a page in a Cypress test?

schpet picture schpet · Apr 11, 2018 · Viewed 24.8k times · Source

in my app, when i visit a page it makes some network requests to fetch data and display it on the page. after that you click buttons and fill in fields to filter that data.

i have a cypress test that will basically visit the page, apply some filters, and make sure the stuff in the dom looks right:

it(`filters the data by 'price'`, () => {
  cy.route('POST', '').as('apiRequest')


  // initial page load loads the min and max price bounds for the UI,
  // as well as the data to initially populate the page. they happen
  // to hit the same URL with different POST params
  cy.wait(['@apiRequest', '@apiRequest'])


  // wait for data to get refreshed

    .each($el => {
      const value = parseFloat($el.text())

however sometimes cypress seems to load the page, do the XHR requests before waiting, then sporadically it'll fail on:

CypressError: Timed out retrying: cy.wait() timed out waiting 30000ms for the 2nd response to the route: 'apiRequest'. No response ever occurred.

because it's waiting for a request that has already happened.

is there a better way to write this test? is there a way to visit a page and wait for XHR requests that avoids this race condition?


LuisEnMarroquin picture LuisEnMarroquin · Feb 1, 2019

You can do something like this

// Give an alias to request
cy.server().route('GET', '/odata/locations/**').as('dataGetFirst');

// Visit site

// Wait for response.status to be 200
cy.wait('@dataGetFirst').its('status').should('be', 200);

// Continue