Top "Cx-oracle" questions

cx_Oracle is a Python extension module that allows access to Oracle databases and conforms to the Python database API specification.

Set database connection timeout in Python

I'm creating a RESTful API which needs to access the database. I'm using Restish, Oracle, and SQLAlchemy. However, I'll try …

python database oracle cx-oracle python-db-api
How to connect to Oracle in go

I gather there are two ways to connect to Oracle DB in Go (on windows): github.…

windows oracle go cx-oracle oci8
ocx_Oracle ORA-12541 tns no listener

I try to connect to a remote oracle server by cx_Oracle: db = cx_Oracle.connect('username', 'password', dsn_tns) …

python cx-oracle
Return variable from cx_Oracle PL/SQL call in Python

I want to execute an Oracle PL/SQL statement via cx_oracle in Python. Code looks like this: db = cx_…

python plsql cx-oracle
python cx_oracle cursor.rowcount returning 0 but cursor.fetchall returns data

I have this code where I am executing a select sql statement from python code using cx_oracle package: import …

python sql database oracle11g cx-oracle
cx_Oracle: How can I receive each row as a dictionary?

By default, cx_Oracle returns each row as a tuple. >>> import cx_Oracle >>> conn=…

python sql oracle oop cx-oracle
INSERT not working in cx_oracle when used with execute. How to get it working?

I am new to cx_oracle. I have established a connection and I am able to create and drop a …

python cx-oracle oracle11gr2
cx_Oracle - DLL load failed

I have a problem importing cx_Oracle with Python. I know a lot of issues with cx_Oracle have been …

python dll importerror cx-oracle
DatabaseError: ORA-00911: invalid character

I have following code to execute sql quesry in Oracle db: try: conn = cx_Oracle.connect(DB_LOGIN+"/"+DB_PWD+"@"+…

python oracle cx-oracle
Connect python to oracle

I have installed oracle client and oracle client-dev, and setup ORACLE_HOME environment variable. Yet when I attempt to install …

python oracle cx-oracle