So I have many custom classes are also have custom clases inside of them using composition. My custom classes have …
java equals hashcode abstract-data-type custom-objectI have an array full of psobjects. Now I want to change some properties in each of the objects in …
powershell custom-object psobjectI've been searching if it is possible to get a JSON dictionary or array and directly map it in a …
ios json parsing nsjsonserialization custom-objectOk, Here is my script $server=@("SERVER1","SERVER2") $A=@() foreach($srv in $server){ start-job -scriptblock {Get-AppHangs $srv}} while (Get-Job -State "…
powershell custom-object start-jobIn a Rails ( 4.1.5 / ruby 2.0.0p481 / win64 ) application I have a many-to-many relationship between Student and Course and a join model …
ruby-on-rails ruby json activerecord custom-objectI have an array : $results =@() Then i loop with custom logic through wmi and create custom objects that i add …
powershell custom-object