Top "Custom-component" questions

"custom component" is a generic term for a manually developed UI component for a component based UI framework.

Delphi "E2161 Error: RLINK32: Error opening file ________.drf " during Build All

I am trying to resolve a problem with a set of packages that apparently have dependency issues. Occasionally during a …

delphi packages custom-component
How to make Round JButtons in Java

First, I am a Web Developer and a novice Java programmer. My boss is asking me to make this button …

java swing jbutton custom-component rounded-corners
Applying style to views dynamically in java code

I have following custom button view. public class PrayerTimeLabel extends Button { int hours; int minutes; String dayHalf; //am or pm …

android styles custom-component
Custom regions for code folding in Notepad++

Is there any way to create custom named regions for Notepad++ to fold them? I've seen some talk about it …

notepad++ custom-component folding
Adding Custom Attributes to Primefaces Autocomplete Component in JSF

I asked about pass through attributes in a different question and found I could create a custom renderer for the &…

jsf jsf-2 primefaces custom-component
Custom Control Creation in Delphi

I used this on a form and created it like 10 times. That was ok, until I tried to pass this …

delphi delphi-7 custom-component
What is the relationship between component family, component type and renderer type?

When I am learning custom component development in JSF, I got confused with the relationship between component family, component type …

java jsf jakarta-ee custom-component renderer
Converting Delphi 7 property editor to Delphi XE2

First of all, I have never written a property editor from scratch, but had some help with one in another …

delphi delphi-7 delphi-xe2 custom-component propertyeditor
Delphi Package Build / Install debugging

I'm using Delphi 2007 Pro. I have a runtime package that includes a number of compound components I'm developing, which are …

delphi ide packages custom-component
Why do I need call onChange and onTouch in writeValue when implementing ControlValueAccessor in Angular?

I have implemented the following component. It works and behaves as expected. Nevertheless, as the implementation of ControlValueAccessor was new …

angular typescript custom-component