Top "Custom-attributes" questions

In .NET Framework, custom attributes are user defined attributes which enable providing metadata for application elements such as assemblies, classes and methods.

Re-using Android Custom enum xml attributes

I'm defining a custom attribute in XML that is an enum.It looks something like this: <declare-styleable name="MyControl"&…

android enums custom-attributes
What AttributeTarget should I use for enum members?

I want to use my IsGPUBasedAttribute for enum members like this: public enum EffectType { [IsGPUBased(true)] PixelShader, [IsGPUBased(false)] Blur } …

c# .net enums custom-attributes
J2EE: Default values for custom tag attributes

So according to Sun's J2EE documentation (…

java jakarta-ee jsp-tags custom-attributes
HTML5 custom attributes - Why would I use them?

I can't seem to understand why I should be happy with HTML5 allowing custom attributes? Why would I use them?

html custom-attributes
Add category attribute with WYSIWYG enabled

I'm following this tutorial: All is working well, attributes are added to categories, but …

magento wysiwyg categories custom-attributes
C# add custom attributes for a parent's property in an inherited class

I'm displaying Business Object in generic DataGrids, and I want to set the column header through a custom attribute, like: …

c# inheritance custom-attributes
Dynamically get class attribute value from type

I'm trying to write a method that finds all types in an assembly with a specific custom attribute. I also …

c# reflection custom-attributes linq-expressions
Why would one want to use AttributeUsage AllowMultiple when creating attributes?

According to a book I'm reading, the AllowMultiple public property of AttributeUsage specifies: ...whether the target can have multiple instances …

c# custom-attributes attributeusage
MVC 3 Validation for confirm email address field

Is there a way using MVC data validation attributes to validate client side if two fields on my model are … validation jquery-validate custom-attributes
C# Attributes On Fields

How do I set an attribute on a field anywhere in my assembly, then reflect on those field attributes in …

.net custom-attributes