Top "Custom-action" questions

A custom action is custom code provided by a developer to be called during a Windows Installer setup.

Is there alternative way to access session details in deferred custom action?

I have a custom action and need to get below values for copying some parts from installation folder to VS2010 …

session wix windows-installer custom-action
InstallShield execute uninstall custom action

How do I execute a Custom Action when performing an uninstall? The Custom Action is within a Basic MSI project …

installshield uninstallation custom-action basic-msi
Custom Action not working - Visual Studio Setup Project

In the past we have used Advanced Installer to build our .msi installers for a particular project. Our yearly license …

visual-studio-2010 installation registry setup-project custom-action
Private key of certificate in certificate-store not readable

I think I've got the same issue like this guy, but I wasn't as lucky as him/her since the …

c# certificate uac custom-action private-key
Wix - Run an exe ( with arguments ) at end of install, which wasn't installed by current MSI

I have a MSI created in WiX 3.6 that obviously installs various things and creates a shortcut to an exe that …

windows wix arguments custom-action
Error 2896 using a WiX C#/.NET 4 custom action

I am trying to use my first custom action in WiX and I get: error 2896: Executing action CustomActionTest failed. I …

c# wix wix3.5 custom-action
wix SetProperty After attribute won't take custom action Id

After reading the page on SetProperty and looking at as many examples as I could find here and elsewhere, I'm …

wix custom-action
How do you add custom menu actions programmatically in SharePoint?

I need to add a custom menu action to a custom content type programmatically in c#. This is because I …

sharepoint content-type custom-action
How do I show Error Message using Managed Custom Actions with Windows Installer

I am writing a managed custom action. I am using the DTF Framework from Windows Installer Xml to wrap the …

error-handling windows-installer managed custom-action
folder permissions: Full control granted to all users

I'm working on an application which stores some files in the CommonApplicationData folder. My application has to modify these files. …

c# permissions installation custom-action