Top "Currency" questions

Currency is a medium of exchange of value, usually referring to government issued denominations.

Restrict Characters Allowed In TextBox(Entering Money Amount)

So I have a Subtotal TextBox where an amount like $546.75 can be entered. Now, I want to make sure that …

c# winforms textbox currency restrict
QA engineer and more money or software engineer with less

I may be presented with the opportunity to be a part of an engineering-intensive QA team (unit/scenario test automation) …

qa currency
c++: How do I format a double to currency with dollar sign?

I have a function that takes a double and returns it as string with thousand separators. You can see it …

c++ string string-formatting currency dollar-sign
How can i get currency symbols from currency code in iphone?

I have get currency code (Eg: USD, EUR, INR) from webservice response. I need to show the currency symbols for …

cocoa currency symbols
Which XML data type should I use for currency/money?

After reading a few questions on what Java data type to use for currency/money, I have decided to use …

java xml currency data-storage
Set openpyxl cell format to currency

I'm creating an excel sheet using openpyxl. Some cells represent monetary values. How can I change the format of a …

python excel currency openpyxl cell-formatting
Removing trailing decimals from a .ToString("c") formatted number

Basically I am formatting numbers like so price.ToString("c") The result is $615.00 in english and 615,00 $ in french. My desired …

c# localization currency
Setting a DBGrid column format in Delphi

I am using a DBGrid component in Delphi. I wonder how I can set the format of a column. I …

delphi format currency lazarus dbgrid
Ruby string with USD "money" converted to number

Is there currently a gem that's capable of taking strings, all in USD for this purpose, and converting them to …

ruby-on-rails ruby currency
Format currency correctly in DevExpress Grid Control

So I've seen other questions on this, but I can't for the life of me make my grid format my …

c# winforms devexpress currency gridcontrol