I have arm-based busybox (Embedded Linux) with limited binaries. How to http post or put without using curl?
has wget
but this limited and unsuitable for posting.
You can combine busybox
with netcat
(or nc
) for achieving the result. You only need to download netcat
binaries for your platform. And here we go:
BODY="Put here HTML body...."
BODY_LEN=$( echo -n "${BODY}" | wc -c )
echo -ne "POST ${POST_PATH} HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ${HOST}\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nContent-Length: ${BODY_LEN}\r\n\r\n${BODY}" | \
nc -i 3 ${HOST} 80
Based on Sending HTTP POST request with netcat post.