Equivalent of usleep() in CUDA kernel?

solvingPuzzles picture solvingPuzzles · Jun 27, 2012 · Viewed 10.2k times · Source

I'd like to call something like usleep() inside a CUDA kernel. The basic goal is to make all GPU cores sleep or busywait for a number of millesconds--it's part of some sanity checks that I want to do for a CUDA application. My attempt at doing this is below:

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

__global__ void gpu_uSleep(useconds_t wait_time_in_ms)

int main(void)
    //input parameters -- arbitrary
    //   TODO: set these exactly for full occupancy
    int m = 16;
    int n = 16;
    int block1D = 16;
    dim3 block(block1D, block1D);
    dim3 grid(m/block1D, n/block1D);

    useconds_t wait_time_in_ms = 1000;

    //execute the kernel
    gpu_uSleep<<< grid, block >>>(wait_time_in_ms);

    return 0;

I get the following error when I try to compile this using NVCC:

error: calling a host function("usleep") from a __device__/__global__ 
       function("gpu_uSleep") is not allowed

Clearly, I'm not allowed to use a host function such as usleep() inside a kernel. What would be a good alternative to this?


Greg Smith picture Greg Smith · Jun 27, 2012

You can spin on clock() or clock64(). The CUDA SDK concurrentKernels sample does this does the following:

__global__ void clock_block(clock_t *d_o, clock_t clock_count)
    clock_t start_clock = clock();
    clock_t clock_offset = 0;
    while (clock_offset < clock_count)
        clock_offset = clock() - start_clock;
     d_o[0] = clock_offset;

I recommend using clock64(). clock() and clock64() are in cycles so you will have to query the frequency using cudaDeviceProperties(). The frequency can be dynamic so it will be hard to guarantee an accurate spin loop.