I keep getting the error, "Unimplemented substep definition" in IntelliJ with Cucumber?

junecng picture junecng · Aug 29, 2017 · Viewed 17.1k times · Source

I have already:

  • Downloaded the Cucumber Java, Gherkin plugin
  • I already have the steps and features directories:

My directory structure looks like this:

- test
    - java
        - features
            - featureSet1
                - oneFeature.feature
                - anotherFeature.feature
            - featuresSet2
                - twoFeature.feature
            - CucumberTests.java
        - steps
                - step1.java
                - step2.java

Under the features folder, I have a file called, CucumberTests.java. I'm able to run the tests via mvn test but the red error marks reallllly annoy me.

I have these tags in CucumberTest.java, which is supposed to run the tests:

@CucumberOptions(plugin = { "pretty", "html:target/surefire-
    reports/cucumber", "json:target/surefire-
             features = {"src/test/java/features/featuresSet1",
             tags = {"~@ignore"},
             glue = {"steps"})


Daniel Fintinariu picture Daniel Fintinariu · Aug 31, 2017

The issue is from Substeps IntelliJ Plugin that IntelliJ suggests you install when it locates a .feature file inside your project.

enter image description here

Just ignore this extension when it pops up or uninstall if you already have it.

Cucumber for Java and Gherkin should be enough.