Top "Cube" questions

Cube or OLAP cube, is a method of storing data in a multidimensional form, generally for reporting purposes.

Using Filter on measures in MDX query on SSRS

i've creted a report using a cube as datasource and MDX query on my dataset. i have a few measures …

reporting-services filter mdx cube measure
create hierarchy in non parent child dimensions

I am creating a user hierarchy for product dimension with AdventureWorksDW in a cube. I have added Product Key, ProductCategory …

hierarchy cube class-hierarchy adventureworks
SSAS cube with multiple DB

I have 3 databases with the same structure, but different data, since they are from different clients. Now, I have an …

ssas cube bids olap-cube ssas-2008
Error while processing the cube: There is not enough space on the disk

I am getting following error while processing SSAS cube using powershell script. Error is "There is not enough space on …

sql sql-server ssas cube olap-cube