Top "Ctrl" questions

Similar to the shift key, the control key is a modifier key that performs an advanced operation when pressed in conjunction with another key.

Send Ctrl+Z to serial port via command line

I am trying to send the following to the COM1 serial port via command line using ECHO or similar (I've …

command-line serial-port ctrl
In Visual Studio Code Ctrl+V is not working

In Visual Studio Code Ctrl+V is not working on editor. However from the command palette Ctrl+Shift+V is …

visual-studio-code copy-paste vscode-settings ctrl
vim CTRL-] keys not working

Hi I'm new to vim and I'm stuck. In :help tag it says that one can go to a tag …

vim ctrl
How can I turn off Visual Studio 2013 Preview?

When I want to search files I use Ctrl+,. The search box pops up and then I start typing. But …

visual-studio search command visual-studio-2013 ctrl
How to restart some progress which is stopped by "ctrl+z"?

When I am using postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data to start the postgresql progress, I send a ctrl+z …

postgresql jobs ctrl
vim mapping ctrl-;

In my case the move-right button is ; I want Ctrl; to move the cursor 7 characters to the right. I've tried …

vim mapping ctrl
How to determine if the SHIFT or CTRL key was pressed when launching the application

I need to be able to determine if the SHIFT or CTRL keys were pressed when the application is launched … winforms shift ctrl
Angular Ctrl click?

How can I catch when user press Ctrl click ? I can do it for single click using: <input ng-click="…

javascript angularjs events click ctrl
fgets and dealing with CTRL+D input

I am grabbing some standard input from the user and if the user presses CTRL+D, I want to display …

c linux fgets ctrl
Clicking HyperLinks in a RichTextBox without holding down CTRL - WPF

I have a WPF RichTextBox with isReadOnly set to True. I would like users to be able to click on …

wpf richtextbox click hyperlink ctrl