How do I dynamically create a collage (grid with no gaps) of images, where images have different heights?

Homan picture Homan · Jun 30, 2011 · Viewed 22.7k times · Source

I want to display a page of thumbnails. The thumbnails are user uploaded artwork images. Each image has a constrained width, but not a constrained height, this is to show the full image without any cropping.

I want the images to butt up against each other with no gaps in between. The number of columns is not fixed: If I expand or resize the page the images should flow into correct number of columns.


is ALMOST, what I want. Except when there are tall images in the page I get this gapped look:

enter image description here

How do I eliminate the gaps?


onefastsnail picture onefastsnail · Feb 25, 2012

Not sure how graceful you need your CSS, but a good option none the less. You could use masonry.js to help that.