Is there a standard guideline of what order the CSS properties should be in? This would be to decide if I should use this code
p {font-size: 14px; color: purple}
or this code instead
p {color: purple; font-size: 14px}
I am now using The CSS Box Model Convention
There is, indeed, no widely agreed-upon convention. I prefer writing Concentric CSS where I list the properties in order from the outside of the box to its inside, so that I can remember whether the padding goes inside or outside the borders, and so forth. After reading your excellent question here, I realized that I felt strong enough about it to write a blog post, so here you are in case you're curious:
Note that the popular Box Model Convention gets the order wrong in several cases. The actual CSS rendering goes in this order, from outside to inside:
| |
| margin |
| |
| +---border----+ |
| | | |
| |(background | |
| | color) | |
| | | |
| | padding | |
| | | |
| | +-------+ | |
| | | height| | |
| | | × | | |
| | | width | | |
| | +-------+ | |
| +-------------+ |
Which suggests a natural ordering for your CSS:
margin / border / background / padding / height × width
The "Box Model Convention" instead uses this rather bizarre order:
height × width / margin / padding / border / background