Here's a problem I run into every now and then, that I usually try and solve from a back end perspective, but would like to know if there's a magic solution others have found to solve this on the front end.
Given a ul/li list, provided in the markup alphabetically, from a-z:
Typically, it's very easy to float the items left and sort them visually horizontal in blocks, like such:
However, to get columns, like this:
I've always had to break the HTML up into separate entities, such as four separate <ul>
elements in the above example.
Is there a way to keep it all in one ul list without any additional markup, using just CSS (no JavaScript) to get a columnar look like the second image above? My guess is "no," but I've seen some magic before, and I'd like to answer this more definitively.
Not yet I´m afraid.
CSS3 has some nice features, see for example but Internet Explorer does not support it and I don´t know how the support in IE9 will be (according to Microsoft non-existent in the beta at the moment)