I was not sure if this is possible or not. I am working in CSS3 animations right now and I need to hover on a link that will effect other div element(non-child) on the page. I was not sure if there is a work around or not.
<style type="text/css">
#header {
#header:hover .element {
.element {
<header id="header">
<li><a href="#">Hover</a></li>
<div class="element" >
<p>hello world </p>
Since these are adjacent siblings, you can use the adjacent sibling selector: +
#header:hover + .element {
This is well supported in most modern browsers*. IE7 can be buggy. IE6 and below does not support it.
* One of the other answers mentions the general sibling selector, which does not work in Webkit when used with a dynamic pseudo-class like :hover
due to this bug. Take note that this same bug will cause problems in Webkit if you attempt to stack adjacent sibling selectors with a dynamic pseudo-class. For example, #this:hover + sibling + sibling
will not work in Webkit.