React Native FlatList separator between columns

Avery235 picture Avery235 · Aug 9, 2017 · Viewed 33.1k times · Source

I have a FlatList with multiple columns:


And a line separator:

  renderSeparator = () => (
        backgroundColor: 'red',
        height: 0.5,

But the separator only appear between rows, not between columns (even if i add width: 0.5

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Hazim Ali picture Hazim Ali · Jan 6, 2018

you can just add if else condition inside renderItems and check the index modulus to add separator.. I just use this one and everything works great.

something like :-

_renderItem = ({item,index}) => {
      <View style={[{ backgroundColor: 'red', flex: 1 }, index%2==0 ? { marginRight: 10 } : { marginLeft: 10 } ]}>

hope this will help you.