Relatively beginner in Vuejs. I am using the Animate.css library for a transition that I want.
Its basically a 4 and 8 column layout when not scrolling , which turns to 1 and 11 when I am scrolling.
It is working fine without the transition , but the overall effect is not pleasurable to the eyes.
This is the URL , that I am using as inspiration
<div class="column is-4 is-hidden-touch" v-show="! isScroll">
<navcomponent :navScroll = "isScroll"></navcomponent>
<div class="column is-8" v-show=" ! isScroll">
<transition enter-active-class="animated fadeIn" leave-active-class="animated fadeOut" mode="out-in">
<div class="column is-1 is-hidden-touch" v-show="isScroll">
<navcomponent :navScroll = "isScroll"></navcomponent>
<transition enter-active-class="animated fadeIn" leave-active-class="animated fadeOut" mode="out-in">
<div class="column is-11" v-show=" isScroll">
Can anybody please provide pointers what I am doing wrong ?
The approach looks good to me. You can always start with a jsFiddle and go from there.
<transition enter-active-class="animated fadeIn" leave-active-class="animated fadeOut" mode="out-in">
<div v-if="showWhenCondition">
A transition and tag with v-if
or v-show
should be indeed sufficient. Can you detail more what actually happens? Any errors in console?