I am experiencing a problem that never happened before and seems really unprecedented, some text is not wrapping inside a div.
In this link is a sample of my html code:
<div id="calendar_container">
<div id="events_container">
<div class="event_block">
<div class="title">
lorem ipsum lorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem
Any help??
I found this helped where my words were breaking part way through the word in a WooThemes Testimonial plugin.
.testimonials-text {
white-space: normal;
play with it here http://nortronics.com.au/recomendations/
<blockquote class="testimonials-text" itemprop="reviewBody">
<a href="http://www.jacobs.com/" class="avatar-link">
<img width="100" height="100" src="http://nortronics.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/SKM-100x100.jpg" class="avatar wp-post-image" alt="SKM Sinclair Knight Merz">
<p>Tim continues to provide high-level technical applications advice and support for a very challenging IP video application. He has shown he will go the extra mile to ensure all avenues are explored to identify an innovative and practical solution.<br>Tim manages to do this with a very helpful and professional attitude which is much appreciated.